Défense du cinéma français
Další název/názvy: Defense of the French cinema
Žánr: n/a
Rok: 1947
Minutáž: 00:22:00
Popis: Set of seven film documents shot just after the signature of the Blum-Byrnes agreements, between the French and American governments, authorizing the wider release of American films on French territory. These militant films, both silent and sound, present the various protest actions carried out by the "committee for the defense of French cinema", which brought together a large number of cinema professionals who considered these agreements to be a threat to the survival of French cinema. The fight against the Blum-Byrnes agreements was the subject of several militant films that were not unpoetic when they were left in cans. Thus, for example, the voice of Jean-Paul Le Chanois calling for the defense of French cinema (document 3) may have been recorded by Louis Hochet, sound engineer for "Au cœur de l'Orage" (Louis Hochet now works for Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet.) But this recording, the first take of which was combined with the images of the January 1948 protest, was in a box labeled "Alice in Wonderland," a film by Lou Bunin, a defector from Walt Disney, on which Marc Maurette (assistant on Jean Renoir's "La Vie est à nous" and a very active member of the technicians' union) was a second shift director. // With the precious help of the CNC's French Film Archives, we have assembled these scattered rolls into seven documents that bear witness to the struggle for the defense of French cinema from 1947 to 1950, following the principle of "maximum information in minimum film". // 1/ Solidarity sale of film workers and technicians (part 1) // 2/ Solidarity sale of film workers and technicians (part 2) // 3/ French cinema fighting the Blum-Byrnes agreements // 4/ Yves Deniaud's appeal // 5/ The ball of July 13, 1948 // 6/ French Cinema Week, showcase competition // 7/ French Cinema Week, dedications // Consultation points: Ciné-Archives, French Film Archives, Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental Archives, BNF, Forum des images
Klíčová slova: Campagne électorale / Cinéma / art / Hommage / Regards sur l'URSS et les pays de l'Est / Syndicalisme / VICTOR-E project / Jean-Paul Le Chanois / France
Poskytovatel: Ciné-Archives
Práva: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Ciné-Archives
Produkční společnost: Parti Communiste Français
Barva: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: fr